Peace International Day

Counting down to the International Day of Peace: What you can do to help

Each year the International Day of Peace is observed around the world on 21 September. The UN General Assembly has it as a 24-hour period of non-violence and cease-fire. The 2020 theme is “Shaping Peace Together.” This year, it has been clearer than ever that we are not each other’s enemies. Rather, our common enemy is a tireless virus that threatens our health, security and very way of life. That is why UN Secretary-General António Guterres called for a global ceasefire. But there is also more to peace than putting aside arms. True peace depends on societies being inclusive, healthy and economically stable. It requires a predictable climate, an unpolluted environment and solidarity across community lines. In this new era of social distancing, we may not be able to stand together physically. But there are still things you can do from home to promote the ideals of the International Day of Peace.


To mark its 75th anniversary, the UN has invited people everywhere to join UN75, the world’s largest global conversation on building the peaceful and prosperous future we want. As we struggle to defeat COVID-19, your voice is more important than ever. The UN wants to hear your thoughts on how to weather this storm, heal our planet and build peace. So, take our one-minute survey and share it widely. Check out the UN75 toolkit to learn how to set up your own online dialogue. And don’t forget to register it, so that your ideas can be heard by UN officials. The toolkit contains framing questions to get your conversations started. And here are some additional ones directly related to the International Day of Peace: • How can the UN best promote the Secretary-General’s call for a global ceasefire? • What role can you play in that regard? • What does peace mean to you? • When you envision a peaceful world, what do you see? • What actions are needed to make your vision a reality? • How can the UN help you to meet your peace goals?


People pay attention when a peace treaty is signed. But how can we prevent conflicts in the first place? And once peace is declared, how can it be sustained? Also, how can we tackle conflicts when they have changed so much over the past 75 years? Find out what the UN is thinking and doing by reading:

A New Era of Conflict and Violence

Striving for Peace at the UN General Assembly

Progress Study on Youth, Peace and Security

UN Peace building


COVID-19 has exposed the fault lines in our societies, as marginalised communities suffer more than others from the pandemic’s effects. COVID-19-related hate speech and discrimination are on the rise, and even medical workers are being stigmatised. But you can speak up on social media -- using #UN75 and #PeaceDay – to challenge misconceptions and express support for those who need it. You can research volunteering opportunities – to assist the most vulnerable members of society. And you can tell your political leaders to keep peace and human dignity front and center as they fight the pandemic.